US Investment Bank – SLM & SAN Storage

I worked for a partner consultantancy with the Software and Configuration Management team to extend and customise BMC Discovery to provide support for their licensing and auditing function. With the software license discovery and modelling that I workend on both indendently and sometimes as part of a team, the bank was able to make substantial savings in the 100’s of thousands of US Dollars on licensing to vendors such as Oracle, IBM and Microsoft.
I worked under and Agile framework to develop TPL code, performed monthly regression analysis on software install data and created and maintained all documentation for customisations.
I was also part of the team to code and develop an extension that modelled their various SAN storage solutions deployed. After the solution was implemented, the bank was able to identify 10,000 US Dollars in monthly savings by being able to turn off a decommission storage arrays that were no longer being used.