Telecoms Company – Digital Transformation

My company was initially approached directly by this large telecoms company to deploy Discovery with CMDB. My role as the Principal was technical lead for the project and Solution Architecture. Having worked with the client to draw up the Solution Design, they dropped the project after the first milestone, and used my Solution Design to deploy it themselves.
We were then approached approximately 12 months later by a large managed services company that had taken on the client and wanted to outsource to our Asset & Configuration service solution since they did not have the technical expertise. An intial gap analysis revealed they had mostly followed the design but were struggling in some key areas.
I worked with the MS provider to (now our customer) to workshop and architect the service, worth £240k, that we would provide which included the following roadmap:
- Extend the current deployment and resolve gaps in estate scanning
- Integrate with with Rapid7 to enhance CMDB with ownership details
- Data Quality Assurance
- Deployment of uControl for service modelling
- Credential and license management analysis
- Initiative to identify application owners to reduce risk and improve efficiency in reporting